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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Photoshop Composite Image

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

Today in class we were learning how to use Photoshop to make composite images and to be able to edit them and make them more realistic. Now we are doing our own composite image that is centered in the genre of our magazine, mine will be about art.

The steps I took to able to make this composite picture were to be able to adjust the image size and resolution to make them fit better with each other and that the detail looks better. The quick selection tool, the pen tool, the gradient tool, the selection tool, and being able to drag and drop images and make new layers helped a lot with this progress of making my composite image. Being able to crop the image and drag it onto the background image and to be able to make it more detailed or add a pattern of color with the gradient, I honestly didn't want something realistic but something more symbolic so my first thought was to put something that looked more mystical and the plus to make it fun I added the giant brush.

Even though it was fun to make this composite image because it was fun to make it something more symbolic or just fun instead of realistic, it was also very hard not to the point that makes me want to not use Photoshop again but it was close since it was hard to use some tools, having to remember so many shortcuts and taking a very long time even though I only used 4 images for this composite image. Using Photoshop is not really a fort for me, I am able to use it for this kind of small things like composite images or mood boards but it is too confusing with so many shortcuts and so many tools to remember to be able to make something that will be more complicated.

This is the image of the soccer stadium with the soccer player that we were doing as a class with the layers all grouped up into one composite layer to be able to make more changes to the atmosphere to the whole picture instead of doing it individually for each one of them. This one was the hardest one to make between the two since it was the first time I did it and because there were a lot of steps to make it look like this that I had to keep up with.

The images I used to make up my composite:

This is my composite image and with all the layers separated to be able to see all of them since some are very discreet like the smoke but give it a more mystical look, I also decided to include all of the images I used to make up my composite. This was easier to do since it was the second one I did and because I used a lot of the steps that helped me put together the first composite image, like the gradient tool and the light with the rendering tool to add on top of the small moon.

I used a lot of tools, which is the reason why it is complicated for me to use and keep track of everything in Photoshop. One of the easier ones to use was the brush tool that I used to color the tip of the giant brush to make it bluish-green, another one was the gradient tool and the rendering tool. One of the most difficult to do was changing the resolution because I had forgotten the shortcut to do it so I had to do it by hand and go to images and change it from there it was also hard to be the Mask Layer and the Quick Selection Tool since I kept selecting the wrong thing, especially in the first composite picture and it was hard to understand the Mask Layer at first and had to pay close attention to the tutorial that we used to help us while making the first composite image.

Though it was fun to make my own composite image and learn a bit more about Photoshop, using it for things that might be more complicated than this will definitely not be my fort since I would get lost very fast and I will forget how to move around with the short cuts and how to use some tools, especially since there are features like Mask Layer that I still don't completely understand to be able to use it smoothly and by myself without some kind of help from someone that has more experience than myself.

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