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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Masthead Design

Updated: Apr 9, 2023

Today in class we were designing our Masthead final design. It took a lot of thinking on my part but I have come up with my final masthead design.

I wanted something simple but also something that could be eye-catching. I choose to leave the text black because the background for the magazine would be different colors so leaving it black will make it stand out between all the colors.

This is how I wanted the layout of how my magazine wants to look or something similar. The letters will be either black or white for the simple reason that the covers in the background will have a lot of colors and I wanted the text to stand out, depending on the contrast of wether they are lighter colors or darker colors will determine which of the two I will put.

This will be my final masthead design, somethings may change like little things like the color of the loops to see which color could fit better later on if needed but otherwise this is how my masthead is going to look for the final magazine project.

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