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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Final Photoshoot

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

Today I finished my last photoshoot for my magazine. I have chosen two artists to represent and talk about in my magazine, this is Botero and Kara Walker.

I have represented their own style with my drawings and here is how my last photoshoot went.

My shot list helped me keep the shots in order and also how to do it, of course, art magazines don't have a lot of angles since you need to be able to see the drawings themselves, but with the shot list, I created I was able to keep track of the shots I wanted to take since I was able to show the drawings without being repetitive with the angles.

My photo shoot went on smoothly with not many problems, of course, I have been working over the week on the drawings since I had planned the photoshoot on the weekend that way I will be able to get the most natural light in the morning which also helped me make the drawings looked better than they would have with artificial light.

I still had many challenges, after the lighting was taken care of with the natural light of the morning but I had another challenge during this photoshoot.

This one challenge was to make sure no shadows would be visible in the images taken since the light was also hitting my frame while I was taking them. I solve this problem by taking photos and trying for my frame to not be as close to the camera as possible.

The images came out as I wanted them to come out, not only the lighting came out alright but also I was able to represent the art of Botero and Kara Walker even if made them both myself while imitating their art style.

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