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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Double-Page Spread

Today we were creating and finishing the first draft of our double-page spread and our article.

Here is how my article is coming together.

This is my double-page spread that also has my article. I have made four original pages that have addressed the two artists that I wanted to cover, Botero and Kara Walker, and their respective art styles.

The design of my page spread was that I wanted to be light design because the colors of the drawing were of course dark this meant that putting dark colors would not go well with it and that the drawing will not be very visible or it will not look good, so I decided to make so it will look decorate but not over-saturate so to make it look more like an art article I decided to add small paint splashes and a bluish gradient and the bottom so it will look better and less empty and the photos of my last photoshoot ended up looking great with the details.

I really feel good about the design I came up with for the double-page spread, even though I haven't done the translation to Spanish that I have planned for the final magazine but the design of my double-page spread is done.

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