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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Cover: 1st Draft

Today we were finishing up our first two drafts for our magazine cover.

Here are both of my two cover page drafts.

For both of my cover drafts, the article names, main cover line, and barcode are all the same and in similar places. The cover in the back has completely changed between the two covers, though with the same drawings I have made different arrangements for the design.

The first cover is meant to be more eye-catching, more like the art magazines that present people's art or share art techniques with their audience, like the colors in the background are like present the variety of the world of art and what different artists all over the world wide have to offer and making the audience discover more of their own passion in the process.

The second cover is more intriguing, I wanted to give the impression that you will discover the secrets of the process of how artist make their intriguing and unique art pieces, that is the reason I wanted it to look like you will get information about the artist and their art that nobody else will get any other way which means that I wanted it to look like you where seeing a painting and seeing the pencils and colors and be able to pick a bit into the making process of an art piece.

The covers still need a bit of work and cleaning off around the edges for me to be able to pick the final cover, though I am proud of how the drafts turn out.

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