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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Classmate Critique

We were doing a class critique of our magazines to get positive feedback about how our cover pages, table of contents, and double-page spread.

Many of my classmates have told me that my cover page has been really good, they specifically like the first one which is the one with the purple background, and some recommended changing the position of the text for it to be more visible which I have agreed with since it has been specifically difficult to accommodate the text to make it visible with the images. The same was said for the second cover but more people had a more positive reaction to the first cover.

The table of contents had an equal reaction from all of my classmates but the one that match the background of the first cover was told to be a great one since they like that they match the colors.

The double-page spread was quite a big success which I was very glad for, the feedback was that the details of the pages looked great and that the photos really fit with the design itself. I was recommended to not put the gradient so high for it to not cover the text of the article but otherwise, the article pages got amazing feedback.

Thanks to all the feedback I have gotten I have upgraded my cover and made it better than before, and this also helped me a lot to pick which cover and table of contents I am going to use at the end.

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