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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

2nd Draft: Decisions and Revisions

Today I am gonna make the final revisions and make my final decisions on which cover page and table of contents I am gonna use.

My cover page is going to be the first one with a purple background. To this one, I have made changes to the font and slight positions on where the wording should go for it to be more visible to the audience.

My table of contents was not changed that much instead of just fixing some of the spacing but otherwise the table of contents has stated the same.

My double-page spread has not changed either since it received a lot of positive feedback, all I did was correct the spelling of the article and do the translation to Spanish I have been planning since the beginning of the planning process of the magazine.

I am very glad and excited for the ending of this project and how well it ended up looking for all of it and it has been very fun to do, exhausting of course, but fun and exciting.

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