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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Target Audience Questionnaire

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

In these past few days, we have been doing our Target audience Questionnaire to help us pinpoint the audience for your own magazine, making the questionnaire and asking it to people in your class or people around your school or community.

I used the website of Google Forms to do my questionnaire and I shared it with my own media class at school, my friends at school, my family, and friends with our family as well and I was able to share it around with a QR code and I just asked them to scan it and do it that way, this got me a wide view of the audience I am going to be targetting in this magazine by looking at the community I am in close and constant contact with.

I made a lot of changes through the questionnaire by adding questions so there are going to be more responses in some questions than in the last ones because they where added in later for more information to help pinpoint my target audience.

I decided to put questions like number one, two, three, and more to see how much my audience will like certain types of art, what type of art they themselves do or if they don't really paint, getting their perspective and opinions on different types of art. Seeing how involved they would be in the world of art, in general, is a good place to start.

Knowing how old, which gender, and what ethnicity your audience is made up of helps you know how you are going to approach them, especially if it is a mix of different answers since you will have to address all of them and make it appropriate for all of them. An example is my own questionnaire, since the people that took my questionnaire are mostly high school teens then this magazine will have a more contemporary view of art and newer views, I have various answers for gender, of course leaning more into the majority of females but since the gender is so spread out then this magazine will not address just one gender but be neutral towards that since it was my original idea for my magazine. It is a similar case for the ethnicity groups, that yes I have three major groups but they are all very big and spread out so my original idea of appreciating different cultures and representing them in art, in general, is still something I am going to do for my magazine.

And lastly with the main questions are how the audience is going to read the magazine, what they are going to search for and how much are they willing to spend on my magazine, this will help not only help me figure out what to do for my magazine to keep my audience engaged but it also helps me see how to present it and how much it will cost for it to be a success and to not give the impression of being too expensive and unnecessary or in the other hand make it seen to cheap which could be associated with something that it is not as good of quality.

This questionnaire made me able to have a clearer view of which type of audience I am going to have reading my magazine, my original idea of being neutral about the gender of an artist or their ethnicity is still the same with being inclusive and representing their different cultures in my magazine, while my view on who I want to represent in my magazine has not changed my views on how I am going to design my magazine has indeed changed with some questions that I couldn't show but have given me an idea on how involved my audience will be with art, which is a lot since the majority of them are involved in art in a general form and others are also artist themselves and not just enjoyers of art. The way I am going to present my magazine has shifted and I am still brainstorming ideas for how I am going to design the final look of my magazine.

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