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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Shot List

Today in class we were planning out the different scenes and shots that we were gonna shot for our final article magazine. I decided to do my shot list by hand and explain it further here. Here are my decisions for shots and angles.

Scene 1:

This will be a high angle and it will be the one that will start the article, being the first image, this will allow presenting the article better, presenting a drawing that uses one of the techniques that would be presented in the article. This would also be like a scene putting the colored pencils and normal drawing pencils so the shot would not look so empty.

Scene 2: Since this is an art magazine and all the shots for the majority will be the same, however using my props I wanted to use an easel, this will be allowed a variation of shots and it will also be allowed us to experiment with the shoots. This would also help with the presentation because I will be able to do a close-up of the picture instead of being a high shot to get everything.

Scene 3: in this shot, I wanted to show the process not by presenting little by little finished drawings but also by showing myself doing the drawing and trying the technique. This will mean that I will do an over-the-shoulder shot to both show the drawing as well to be able to show myself drawing.

Scene 4: This scene is something extra that I wanted to include for a fun shot but also a creative way to close my magazine article. It will be to present all the drawings done with the different techniques that were used. I am going to include this mostly as a fun way to end the article and the photo shoot. Like a little recompilation.

I should mention that I am planning to take more photos as either backup or to include the materials being used in each process, however, these shots will be similar or the same as the first shot which will be a high shot to be able to present everything being used in the drawing process. This might not be the finish angles and shots since if I see some shots and angles that will benefit the shoot more, I would add them to the list.

This would be my first shot list, it could go through some changes by adding more angles or shots but it would not be something so drastic.

This makes me a step forward to shoot my final project.

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