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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Cast and Crew

Today we were discussing who would be modeling in our magazines or who would be helping us shoot our magazines depending on what type of magazine we have. Here is my decision for my cast and crew.

I honestly don't plan to shoot anyone since my magazine is about art and I don't have anyone to be able to interview. I am instead gonna talk about different types of techniques and how to use them, in which types of drawings it would be better to use them, and more.

This means I truly won't have a cast since I don't plan to take pictures of anyone or interview anyone. What I am actually gonna do is to take over-the-shoulder shots since I would be the one drawing the pictures but I don't think that counts as a cast since it would just be me.

For crew is kinda the same thing, my set would not be that big so it means that I won't need a big crew, but if I do end up having help it would be most certainly people from my family like my mother and my aunt who could help me with the camera or setting up the location I am going to shoot my photos in.

Of course, this whole decision could change but my final decision is this for now, I personally don't think I would need a big crew or someone to shoot since that is not the plan for my magazine. If I do need to have a bigger crew it would probably be for me to shoot bigger things but for now, I do not need a crew and if I do need help I can ask my family to help me with the process of the photoshoot.

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