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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Mise-en-scene Case Study

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Hidden Figures (2016)

In this scene, Mary is supposed to stand out in the scene because everyone is wearing dark clothes that are either black or grayish color clothes and the colors in the scene make it look not that light even though it is a classroom, while Mary herself is wearing a bright yellow sweater. Something else that the scene might represent is that everyone is looking at her because of the context of the movie which was set in the 60s when segregation was still in place the before this scene was here it was that Mary was allowed to study in an all-white male university to become an engineer, so everyone is staring at her because she literally and figuratively stands out in the scene. Plus she looks confident which draws attention to her during this specific scene.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)

In this scene that was in the movie The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, we can see how the scenery indicates a stark contrast between the two kids' lives. On the side of Shmuel we see that there is no grass and he's wearing prisoner clothes that are dirty and torn while he is sitting down, which can portray him in a vulnerable position in general and that it might not be great either because we also see in this scenes, the ones before and future ones we see how badly he is treated because he is in a concentration camp during the second world war. When we see Bruno, his side is free from the wire and has vibrant green grass, and he is standing up wearing clean and tidy up clothes, this difference in scenery between the two and the position they are in is capable of representing the different world they are living in and the difference of power they both have since the movie is set in the Second World War in Poland.

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows (2011)

In this scene, we can see all the rubble and destroyed background as a result of the battle of Hogwarts that happened a few scenes back. The dirt on their faces and their clothes is meant to represent that they fought in that battle and that they manage to survive it. The looks on their faces are relived and a detail that stands out is their interlaced hands, Ron, Hermione, and Harry have been friends for a long time and they manage to survive together and they didn’t loose each other even though they almost did a few scenes prior, this was the end of a war that has been raging in their world and they survived.

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