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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Magazine Cover Sketch

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

As a class we started a sketch on how we may want our magazine covers to look like, filling it with different colors, ideas, and unique typographies.

Here is mine:

My masthead will be Little Colors, I wanted something simple and easy to remember and I think it is a great name for an art magazine.

I wanted my front cover to be a full art piece that will take up all the background and have the different cover lines hovering over it with the masthead being in some kind of line or topper that will make it pop out of the image and separate from it.

I put the cover lines all over the cover without limiting the view of the picture. And it is important to add that the paper used for this sketch is both a bit smaller and a bit wider than a normal standard piece of white paper, but other than that I tried to make it look as realistic as possible.

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