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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Magazine Name Ideas

In this blog, I am going to introduce the names I am planning to potentially name my magazine. This names I have tried to link these a lot with the way of the art world since my magazine at the end is going to be about art.

The World of Art

It is one of the first names I came up with while I was brainstorming since art is all around the world and I wanted to center on the techniques that are used around the world and show part of my own art. But the bad thing is that there is a magazine that has a very similar name but without the "The" at the beginning and I thought that it would be a very generic name for the magazine since it must be the first thing people would think about.

The Flow in ART

This magazine came to me while I was listening to music, I was brainstorming and this title came to mind. My idea was to see how art is in general and how it has developed throughout the years. Even though I like this name way more than the first one and there is no magazine with this name, it just doesn't fit with me, I like it but I wanted to think of something else.

The Nature of Art

This was a title that I brainstorm when I wasn't sure whether to pick the genre of nature or the genre of art so I created one that could be changed for both genres. I like this and there is no magazine with this name but I feel like it would be too close to the last title and it is very linked to the other genre I choose.


This name came to me as I wanted a name that would be catchy as a name for my magazine so this name came to me since I would be talking about arty things. This is one of my favorite names I came up with and I like that it is kinda catchy or unusual it is probably one of my options since no magazine has this name.

Arts and Media

This name was created thanks to the fact that this magazine was created in a media class and that art is spread along the media and art is also done digitally so this name came to mind. This is one of my favorite picks and there is not a magazine with this name yet so this is probably going to be one of my top picks.

Little Colors

I wanted a name that could relate more to art in the way of making art, something more personal like the utensils that you used, or something more related to the art than having it be just a name for a magazine. So this name came in the brainstorming, I wanted something that could be more attached to the way of making art and why so colors came to mind and this name appears. This is my favorite name I came up with since it feels more connected to the way of doing art.

After analyzing all the name options I have made in this list and considering if there are magazines that are named that way and considering all the things I have learned so far in class I have decided to Little Colors as the name of my magazine since I wanted something that would represent art but also have the potential to be catchy and easy to remember so this name was my top choice and will be the name of my magazine.

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