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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Magazine Genre Selection

Updated: Jan 15, 2023

Today in class we were doing what we have planned for our magazine and what we want it to be between both of the genres we choose and what we have planned for that specific topic.

So in this blog, I will introduce my final choice in my magazine genre and my ideas for my magazine.

Both of my photoshoots have been very successful with me learning more things about photography and about the genres of different magazines, like the two I have chosen nature and art respectfully. Both photoshoots have had their challenges, very different from each other so adapting to them was a challenge but I got through it.

For my final magazine I am going to do at the end will be the art genre, I am happy with this selection because not only is it a topic I enjoy but it is also easier for me to manage it unlike the nature genre because I can photoshoot my art and do more especially because I enjoy it very much and unlike nature, it is not so unpredictable and it is not connected with the weather, since to get actual good pictures I will need to control many things that I potentially won't have control over in the slightest like how much natural light I could get, the environment around the plants at the time it is out of my control and especially the weather in general.

I want to think about this one more deeply, but I would like to make it more interactive and encouraging maybe because since it is about art and art is a universal thing, I want it to instead of just showing the art of people that are famous or my art I also want to encourage people to do art without fear of judgment and to just express themselves through their art.

I am still not sure what kind of issues I would talk about in this magazine but the main social group I would be represented in this magazine would be artists, and artists in general, whether they are traditional artists or digital artists, people who are an artist making sculptors or any other type of art since art doesn't have a set form but rather a craft to express yourself and to communicate that to the rest of the world so any artist being traditional or not, young or old, from North America to Asia it doesn't matter who they are or how they make art since art is an art and is a way to connect with others.

I want this magazine to be encouraging, instead of just showing the art of someone of my own skill but also encouraging to those that want to do it as well.

I feel like it does, since artists in general and at times the artist community, in general, are attacked by people that are not interested in it and the art career is normally looked down upon as unsuccessful so encouraging people that they can do it no matter in the public opinion is something I want to do as a fellow artist myself.

I want to encourage artists all around.

In encouraging artists all around.

I have learned how to adjust my lighting and angles to get the best view of what I am trying to photograph, I have also gotten better at making my shots look better by cropping them and making them look better by cleaning the scene up.

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