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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Inspiration and Mood Board

In class, we have been doing our mood boards for the inspiration of our magazines. Here I present my own.

Imagery: Contains bright colors and fun sketches, from digital art to traditional art. this is made to symbolize the different types of art styles and the different ways to do them making it feel inclusive and creative.

Typography: The font of Eastwood is a Serif font that gives off a sense of elegance but it is also very creative, being one that is decorated but it is not excessive. This typography might change though if I can find one that might conceal the mood and feeling that I am searching for in this magazine.

Color palette: 4 colors that present themselves a lot in the mood board and both complement each other and make each other pop, they are also both comforting like the soft blue but also bright like the red, the colors might change over time with the colors I will have access to for my final magazine.

Red: a color that pops into the eye of the reader and that also is used to make the most beautiful gradients in many artworks around the world because it is a bright and warm color.

Orange: A bright and soft color that could be more neutral when it comes to feelings but it is a great complimentary color for red and yellow and it also pops to the reader's eyes.

Yellow: The color of the sun and bright and happy moods, this color is known for giving happy vibes to a lot of things that are put on, not only complementary to the last two colors but is also bright and eye-catching which will help attract the eyes of the audience.

Blue: A color that gives off vibes that are calming, not as bright as red, orange, and yellow but a good contrast with a cool color that is surrounded by warm and bright colors, it gives off a calm vibe and it is used a lot in artworks all around the world.

Please note that this is not the final decision for a lot of the things for my magazine, different aspects like the colors and the typography could change to something that will help me embody the feeling I want readers to have when reading this magazine further than my decision with the current ones shown in this blog post.

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