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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Final Magazine Reflection

Making this magazine has been a great experience, it was not only was knowledge wise really fun to learn more about the topic of art by researching more about the different artists in the field of painting and learning about their own methods of painting, sculpting, and more.

The final magazine look for all the cover pages, the table of contents, and the final article turned out to look better than I had planned and the process went completely smoothly at the end of the project.

Of course, this was the first time I ever do something like this and there were some bumps in the way like learning how to use Photoshop and being able to figure out the topic of my magazine, but the research and the making of the magazine itself were pretty fun and pretty informative to learn new things about the different artist I was able to find, from the two that I talk about in my magazine to the ones I research but didn't make it to the final article.

I has been a fun process, and I am glad I got the opportunity to do it.

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