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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Equipment and Props

Today in class we were discussing the props and equipment that we could use or that we would potentially need for our future photoshoots for the final magazine project. Here are some of the props or equipment that I may need or that I would definitely be using for my future photoshoot related to art.

I am still not completely sure what I want to do for my article for the final project so many of the props and equipment are still mostly undecided, but I do have some that I am going to use and some others that are potential for me to use in the photoshoot.

One would surface like a table that is close to natural light since for the last photo shoot I noticed that as much natural light there is the better the drawings look.

Another prop would be utensils for art like colored pencils, pencils, brushes, paint, paper, etc. Since I like the idea of not having the drawing in a plain environment but I like to put something around it like colored pencils, the box of the same colored pencils, having a pencil next to a drawing that was in progress and more since it makes it look better.

A prop that I would love to try is a small easel that I have had for a few years and that has never used before, but something to have in mind is that it is a very small one, to be exactly the size of a small book which makes it a bit difficult to just have a canvas but it can indeed be used to hold simple paper drawings and to set up a few shots that would be fun to put together and to shoot at different angles since I won't be a restraint to only one angle.

One of the problems that I might run into would be the lack of natural light and lack of time. I will try to make the photo shoot of the final magazine when there is a lot of natural light since it would be beneficial for the drawings but in the case, something happens and there is not enough natural light I would use artificial light of a normal lamp and then when the photo is done then I would use photoshop to edit it a bit to make it look better, to clean the photo up in case it needs to be.

And as I mention time could also be a potential problem since I may do more pieces of art or go somewhere specific since I still don't know what to do for my article but I would need to manage my time a different way since this is a big project for my final grade but I will still need to manage my other classes plus my own personal life and this could change with the time management I would be able to do so I keep up with all my classes, final projects and the final exams for each of my classes plus my own personal live.

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