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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

Audience Profile Analysis

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

This post will address the audience I expect and plan to attach to this magazine project.

The audience is which type of person are you gonna planned to attach to your magazine, book, TV show, etc. You can plan who you want to attach by making it more appealing to this kind of person, depending on their age, gender, race, religion, interest, and more.

Key Demographics

Age: between 16 - 20s or 30s

this is because the information in the cover lines and techniques that you can see in the picture in the front suggests that the audience needs to be able to understand more complex techniques and information.

Gender and ethnicity: No specific gender, it could be addressed to anyone from any gender and ethnicity since nothing indicates these demographics on the cover of the magazine

Key Psychographics:

Interestest of the audience: This magazine seems to target creative people and artists with a bit more experience with their drawing techniques since the information is more complex and the picture on the cover looks more complex this also could indicate that this audience would have a higher education being in general or in art specifically.

Main image and appearance: This image is a picture of wildflowers that look more like wild sunflowers, the technique with the paint looks hard to do because you both need to have a great hand at blending colors together and be experienced at using paint how it is in this image.

Key Demographics

Age: Younger than 15 and some might be older than 16.

this is because not only does indicate that this magazine is presented in more of a school setting that involves younger kids or potentially highschoolers

Main image and appearance: The main image is both colorful and beautiful but at the same time it is pretty easy to understand its forms and shapes of it but the most important part is that it features Bisa Butler, a famous African-American artist whose main way to doing her work is by quilting.

Gender and Ethnicity: The gender that this magazine could be addressed to is not specified by just the cover of the magazine, but with Bisa Butler being an artist in this magazine then it is obvious that this magazine will have a lot of appreciation for the amazing culture of African-Americans reflected in the art presented in this magazine.

The interest of the Audience: people that appreciate different ways of making art and the different heritages of it as well, plus it is great to teach younger generations because not only shows different cultural heritage which is inclusive but also presents different ways to make art.

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