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  • Writer's pictureHannah Velazco

1st Photoshoot

Updated: Feb 26, 2023

These five were my favorite and in my opinion my most successful pictures taken in my photoshoot, my 1st photoshoot is related to nature and I tried to capture a big diversity of plants and at times the occasional animal as seen with the bird capture in some of the photos. My biggest success was of course that I manage to photograph a diversity of plants and the effect of natural lighting that was captured in this pictures was the best, but there is definitely things I want to keep improving, one of those is the angles and how close I can get to take the pictures. Since weren't my own personal plants, but ones that I took pictures of in the open so I had to make sure and at times get creative at how close I could get to them, which also influence a lot of the angles in the photos, since for some I needed to be far away when taking photos of a certain tree normally the photo looked better when everything was centered and with other I used zoom so it wasn't so far away but making sure it didn't ruin the quality, one of those photos that I had to make sure the quality was not damage by zooming in so much was the ones of the bird so I could take the photo without scaring them away.

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